Friday, November 27, 2009

We're Here!

We finally made it!
It has been a crazy night. We were all ready to go and Jingles sleigh broke down. We didn't know what to do but then Sparkles said she could ride with her. They were so smooshed in their sleigh! Then we get to their house and poor Jingles started to cry because Abbie didn't clean her room so she had to go back but then I realized that she couldn't go back because she didn't have her sleigh since it was broken. YAY! So she is sleeping in the hall and she really hopes Abbie cleans her room soon! We're so excited to be back and we are ready for a fun time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys! I wanted to let you know that we have arrived at Alyssa's and Elizabeth's house. We are so excited, they put their tree up and it looks so pretty. Maybe we will get to see you during our visit this holiday season! Love, Christina and Suzie
