Monday, November 30, 2009

We tried a science experiment we learned over the summer and it worked! We turned the toilet water GREEN!

Up On The House Top

Nobody is home so we found some chocolate and climbed up on the roof of Halie's bed and now we're having a little party! Hope they don't get home before we clean up.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Climbing the Tree

We decided that we wanted to try and ride the big hairy dog and when we tried to get on she started chasing us so we ran to the tree and started climbing up. It was so much fun that I think we're going to go back down and climb up again. We're going to sing Christmas carols and tell stories up there!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just Hangin' Around!

We slept a lot today, we took a long car ride to celebrate Thanksgiving at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Jingles thought it would be fun to play trapeze on Abbie's hammock. We've only fallen a couple of times! I sure hope the lights are up outside soon. I think we should look for the car keys and go look at the lights on some other houses since they haven't put up the lights here yet.

Friday, November 27, 2009

We had a great day! All of the Christmas trees are up and Abbie cleaned her room so Jingles has a place to sleep. We heard from Sparky and he is working hard on Jingles sleigh and hopes to have it to us soon. I hope they put up Christmas lights on the house, it would be so pretty! Sparkles is telling me to get off the computer, she wants to play Mastermind.

We're Here!

We finally made it!
It has been a crazy night. We were all ready to go and Jingles sleigh broke down. We didn't know what to do but then Sparkles said she could ride with her. They were so smooshed in their sleigh! Then we get to their house and poor Jingles started to cry because Abbie didn't clean her room so she had to go back but then I realized that she couldn't go back because she didn't have her sleigh since it was broken. YAY! So she is sleeping in the hall and she really hopes Abbie cleans her room soon! We're so excited to be back and we are ready for a fun time!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Audrianna & Halie were not being very good this morning. They were fighting horribly while cleaning their rooms. And you should have seen the mess they made in the hallway!!!! I sure hope they get their rooms and hallway clean so we can stay tonight. I bet they don't know we're hanging around checking on them and reporting back to Santa!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WOW - What Messy Rooms!!

We went to surprise Abbie, Audrianna, & Halie. We were coming to celebrate Thanksgiving with them but their rooms were too messy. Sparkles got lost in Halie's room, I got hurt in Audrianna's room but we had a blast jumping in the huge pile of clothes in Abbie's room, it was like jumping in a big pile of leaves. It was so much fun! I hope they clean their rooms soon so we can stay, I guess we'll check back tomorrow night. I really miss them!